Monday, 14 December 2009
True or false? Right or wrong?
Does 'respect' actually define being secretive about your religious beliefs and origin, or does it mean have respect for others around you who may not want to know or hear about your beliefs? Or even both?
We live in a multi-cultural society where we all interact with one another on a daily basis. Learning from each other. Surely that's a good thing, right? But a hyped story in the news of a girl refusing to take her Hijaab off as it's not part of her school uniform is her right to do so, correct?
Freedom of expression.. Hmm?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
This is Shumaila Hussain.
Living and working in Norway, Shumaila's life-long hobby is reflecting her talent. Her breathtaking images make it hard NOT to fall in love with them! The autumn pictures are my favourite, check them out!

Find out more on,
Anish Kapoor - Royal Academy of Arts

PIA WALTER got there before us, and she got there just in time. So, what's the verdict?
Prepare to feel miniscule, perplexed, and bedazzled! Anish Kapoor’s sculptures at the Royal Academy of the Arts invite you to join a world where space is relative, the colours dumbfounding, and sex is everywhere.
Kapoor is an internationally acclaimed artist and winner of the 1991 Turner Prize. This major solo exhibition, which runs until 11 December, surveys his career to date, showcasing a number of new and previously unseen works.
His pieces are often simple, curved forms, usually monochromatic and brightly coloured. Tall Tree and the Eye, a major new sculpture on display in the Annenberg Courtyard, is a pristine example of this. By creating works which both distort and disorientate, the Bombay born artist intends to challenge our traditional notions of time and space, leaving the spectator to deal with an oddly appealing form of nausea.
Kapoor seems fascinated with sculptures actively participating in their own creation, as seen with Svayambh, meaning self-generated in Sanskrit. This rather macabre piece, which occupies five galleries, consists of a vast block of wax moving slowly along tracks and squeezing itself through the classical doorways of the Royal Academy, leaving behind a viscous red residue.
Svayambh, along with other works such as Shooting into the Corner, a cannon that fires red wax at 20 minute intervals, in a manner which reminds one of a sneeze, makes you wonder how his pieces are dismantled.
There is no doubt that Kapoors work swallows you for magical moments in which you stand in awe, oblivious to your immediate surroundings. This surreal exhibition is truly original and definitely worth visiting. Although a complaint can be found in its briefness, which seems rather disproportionate to the very real £8 (practically student price!) expected at the door.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
So you always seem to question the weekend closures, that extra 15 mins to your journey, but are we really going to benefit after all that scarificing? Causing delays to people's journeys is worth the wait when you'll be getting cleaner, bigger and cooler tubes in return.
Weekend and evening closures can be a right pain, but I have to say Boris ain't such a nob after all ;) I happened to jump on a tube on Tuesday afternoon and as I got on, I couldn't help but stare around like it was my first time on the tube. Brighter lights, new COMFORTABLE seats, and best of all were the wider carriages which gave me enough space to move away from people's unpleasant body odour at the end of the day.
Let's hope we see more of these trains around on more Underground lines. Over populated London is desperate for better public transport and I think we've waiting long enough. More new trains will be running on tracks in the new year and hopefully we'll get a chance to enjoy them more!
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Promote Vegetarianism
A very interesting article I came across the other day. Stop eating meat, cows harm the planet. Confused? So was I.
Apparently climate change experts say that meat is a wasteful use of water and creates a lot of greenhouse gases. Dietary shifts are needed to halve greenhouse gases caused by methane-producing livestock such as cows. Does this really mean giving up meat altogether?! I personally know some people who would faint after reading this.
Singer and animal rights activist Chrissie Hynde is determind, and called for cruelty-free dairy farming worldwide.
Meat consumption is wasteful of resources including water and land, not to mention secondary issues like the increased medical costs associated with eating a meat-based diet. So would we all be better off giving it up?
There are entire cultures representing millions of people who have lived and thrived for centuries without meat, which is enough evidence that human beings do not "need" meat to satisy their taste buds or to survive. In fact, the evidence weighs heavily in the other direction: The hazards of a meat diet in comparison to the benefits of a vegeterian diet are well known in the medical and scientific community. Health, animal cruelty, and environmental issues could be alleviated if everyone ate a vegeterian diet.
I really do hope i'm not the only one with this view..
Thursday, 22 October 2009
What happens next..?
City University’s new Head of Journalism, Professor George Brock, who was hosting the event said: “The members of this panel will help to shape what you see and hear about the long election campaign that has just begun. Find out what they know. Find out what they think."
Walking in with an open mind was a positive start. It wasn’t long before the lecture theatre was almost full with under and post grads. The City University Journalism department is huge as it is, so I guess I was expecting some interesting questions being put forward to the panel.
The panel was made up by some of the UK’s most prominent political journalists, including Sam Coates (Chief Political Correspondent, The Times), Steve Richards (Chief Political Commentator, The Independent) and Pippa Crerar (Political Correspondent, Evening Standard), to debate the runners and riders in the general election race.
It started off pretty boring with Pippa Crerar so far away from the mike, you could hardly hear her. Then Steve Richards came to the mike and lit up the whole lecture theatre. His loud voice and strong views made a lot of the audience nod to his points. He came up with some plausible suggestions towards the Labour and Conservative party which stirred up some views from the audience. Concluding with Sam Coates and his ideas, a prediction was made of the election results by each panellist.
Some of their predictions made sense and in reality, could actually happen. But as far as I’m aware, political outcomes are always doubtful to the very end.
Many people came up with different points, such as why has The Sun made its decision to openly support the Tories during campaign? Has blogging changed political journalism? And has the MP’s expenses scandal really messed stuff for the outcome of these elections? All questions which may seem easy to answer, but difficult to understand what’s really behind it.
Overall I think the debate went well. It broadened my knowledge of the elections and what could actually happen. But I think I’m left with the question “What do the Tories actually stand for?” We seem to be wanting a way out from Labour, but a way in with the Tories may not necessarily be the answer...Hmm!
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Charitable Causes - Get Involved.
Despite what we may often think, we are in an incredibly fortunate position. Studying at university is out of reach for so many people our age, yet still a major part of their dreams. With a little help and support however, we have the ability to make those dreams come true.
There are a wide range of charitable causes for students to get involved with to help make a difference, you just need a little direction. Here are three simple ways of supporting children’s charities, and making a difference:
Shopping – Helping Handbags was set up by Melora Johnson, a Londoner, after reading an article about a disabled children’s home in Bulgaria where the children, aged from just a few months to 18 years, were brutally neglected. Her idea was to design a handbag and sell it online, with all proceeds going to the Baba programme run by Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children Trust. The Tabitha, £150, comes in caramel, purple and metallic, and is available at
Mentoring – Kids Co. Mentoring was established by the Kids Company charity, based in London. The innovative and flexible mentoring programme is ideal for students, as it involves just one weekly meeting with your allocated mentee, at a time and place of your choice. This can be an exceptionally rewarding experience as you work with young people to help them achieve their goals, build confidence and self esteem, and reach their potential. Often with so many young people all that’s missing is that little bit of hope, which you can give them. More information on training and enrolment into the Kids Co. Mentoring programme is available at
Partying –Trekstock was founded by Sophie Epstone in 2006 to raise awareness about the Teenage Cancer Trust. Parties, gigs and events are held for Trekstock, and all proceeds are donated to the Trust. People of all ages suffer from cancer, but the Teenage Cancer Trust specializes in young people, alike you and I, who are in need. Organising an event for Trekstock could lead to anything from a breakthrough in research to a simple smile for a patient. Either is entirely worth it. For information on how to get involved, visit:
Actively becoming involved with charity work will not only benefit the children on the receiving end of your efforts, but will also enhance your own CV, especially causes like Kids Co. Mentoring and Trekstock. It is vital for the future of the children who depend on such causes for people like us to apply ourselves and get involved, so be it a donation to the Ronald McDonald House Charity, or a bracket of time for an organised cause, it’s important we make the effort. If we don't do something ourselves, then we cannot expect a change.
Visit to learn about new and exciting ways of helping others. To these kids, one person could make all the difference. That one person could be you.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Bienvenue.. WELCOME. Let me introduce you to..
CHECK IT OUT.. COOLcool t-shirts with unique designs which are totally "SICKMADE".
EXCLUSIVE designs which you won't find anywhere else, so visit the site, appreciate the clothing and ENJOY!

Thursday, 9 July 2009
This moment will never be forgotten.

Michael Jackson. King of Pop. A LEGEND. R.I.P
For me and for all of us, hearing of Michael Jackson’s sudden death was a complete shocker. When I got a text from my mate, my initial thoughts were ‘HE’S LYING’. Switching to Sky News only confirmed what probably everyone was hoping not to be true.
His music will live on forever, for generations to come and appreciate his work. No matter what people say about him, he was one of a kind. We should at least give him the respect that he deserves now that he’s gone, which we didn’t really give to him while he was alive. He was the best best bestest! He gave us tunes that we'll remember and sing along to forever!
We all loved him, his music and just MJ himself.. And probably always will.
Rest in peace Michael.. x
Friday, 22 May 2009
House of Frauds - Where's the TRUST?!

Blame the system or whatever you want to call it, the situation remains the same. MP's using tax payers money for personal use, who the hell signed their cheques in the first place?! What's the future for Labour? Is Gordon Brown apologizing enough to convince the public? Someone help me answer this before 5th June, please?
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Just another day.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
DAY 3 + 4: After complete mayhem the night before, Nani and I realised we needed some urgent sleep catching to do. The weather
It started raining slightly that day so we were getting stopped every 2 mins by random people selling us umbrellas for 2 euros LOL. Anyway, so we saw this nice pizza place and immediately went for it becau
Rest of the day was sweet, found some new shops which made us smile. Kept eating random shiz the whole day and felt mega fat in the end. We got back to the hotel quite early and dodged the last bit of rain but it cleared up in the end!
That night was awesome too, went back to travel bar and met the most cooolest people. Troy, Ben and Tom! :) Walked around the city at night and ended up at the
Barcelona is one of the most beautifulest cities you'll ever see. I'd definitely reco
Sunday, 17 May 2009
The next day we decided to check out the more local places, cafes, shops etc. So we caught breakfast at a small nearby cafe with a lovely old woman who didn't understand a word we were saying! My Spani
We got off at the metro stop Jaume on the yellow line! As well as shopping, we were site seeing around the city, walking around being our own tour guides ;) The weather was lovely that day and got a chance to grab some ic
For that night we decided to do a pubcrawl. The American guys we had met the night before invited to us to go along with them to Tra
Friday, 15 May 2009
Let me begin.. BARCELONA. I'm sure many people are thinking 'what's the damn hype about?' but trust me, even I was like that before the visit.
Nandini and I were planning a quick get away for a long time now but everytime we were ready to book, something would get in the way. We finally decided to go to Barcelona as we had heard many good things about it from people who recently went. The offer was open to anyone who wanted to join us, but I guess it worked out to be much better that it was only me and her, "BARE JOKES." It probably would've been good if Saj and Raj came along too, but I guess we'll leave that to next time ;)
Okay so we book
So we walk into the hotel and it's DEAD quiet because we're sooo late. Get our hotel room key thingy and went up to our room. Well scary because I was wondering how the room would be.. But when we walked in it was like WOAH. GOODTIMES MAN, good times. We went absolutely crazy and enjoyed our first night running around the room leaving the hinz&nani mark everywhere.
DAY 1: Like a classic bunch of tourists, we woke up early (well nandini did anyway) and left our room to explore the wonderful streets of Barcelona. We weren't too sure about the way transport worked and were adviced before hand to by a T10 ticket which is abit like a tube travel card. This came in very handy indeed and we jumped on the metro s
We got straight into the heart of Barcelona, Catalunya. This is where all the high street shops are like HnM, Mango, Zara etc. It was nice to shop around, but got boring very quickly as we have all this in the UK. and BOY DID WE GET ATTENTION. every other guy was either whistling at us, shouting out HOLA or just following us with
Everything was just amazingly different, but similar in a random way. Small streets, people standing in their balconys, little market stalls etc were all wonderful to see. I mean you wouldn't see anything like that in the center of London lol.
We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe and shopped around until our legs gave up. God bless the iphone, if we ever thought we were lost, it'd take us to the right route. DAMN roaming though GRR.
We headed back to our hotel quite late and decided to chill inside for abit then go out for a couple of drinks later that evening. Someome recommended bar Nevermind which we were eager to check out so that was top of the
So we got ready and headed out again, this time in thin cardi's because it was still quite warm at night! We found bar Nevermind and chilled there for a while.. Great atmosphere and NICE fit people hmm *hola*. After a few drinks we thought it'd be safe to head back to the hotel incase we just got a little out of control. Better to be safe than sorry ;) But as we were walking back we hear someone saying "HEY GIRLS!" THAT was the beginning of an excellent night.
We m
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Pat Butcher.
Got my first dslr couple of weeks ago, maybe even a month. Standard Canon EOS1000D, 18-55mm lens. Showcasing pictures from it in all my blogs until informed otherwise.
Standard procedure with the sugars really.