A totally AMAZING film :D To be honest, it’s even better than the hype, which I really didn’t expect.
My friends and I decided to go and watch it together, partly because we hadn’t been to the cinema in a long time and also because everyone KEPT on going on about it. Updating facebook status for starters!
Anyway so we made our way to valley park, purley way. The nearest and most convenient cinema for us! Our usual lateness, we already had missed about 5mins of the beginning. We got sat down and straight away got caught up in the story. Some of the scenes were amazing and proper hit you, well it had that impact on me. Jamal and Salim, two brothers who are born in the slums are shown to grow up together despite losing their mum at a young age because of a religious uprising. They live and work their way through India jumping from job to job just to earn some money.
Salim, the older brother, is obsessed with money and being in control, whereas Jamal, the younger brother, is slightly naive with a sweeter character. Jamal falls in love with a girl called Latika who has been his childhood friend. They get separated at a young age when the brothers are escaping from a group of gangsters operating in India. It is complete madness and definitely the most upsetting bit of the whole film.. :'(
In complete bollywood style, the brothers grow up in one quick scene which was SO predictable. I remember whispering to my friend ‘I bet they’ll grow up’ AHA. So they grow up, are suddenly well intelligent and can speak fluent English (DUNNO HOW THAT HAPPENED?!). Jamal decides to go look for Latika who he got separated from some time back. It’s great how he still remembers her and would most probably do anything to find her again, but it is somehow a little unrealistic how he tracks her down. Hmm..
After that, Jamal gets separated from his brother Salim at some point and starts doing his own thing really. Sometime goes by and Jamal weirdly gets in touch with his brother again! Jamal still remembers what his brother did when he took Latika away from him and doesn’t feel like he can forgive him. He has a feeling that his brother knows where Latika is, but Salim doesn’t mention anything for a reason. Jamal still has so much love for her and follows Salim to where Latika is and bumps into her again. They want to run away together but many things hold Latika back and sacrifies her love for the safety of them both.
Jamal gets himself onto the show, ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.’ This is where the legendary Anil Kapoor is introduced! Many people may not agree, but I think Anil Kapoor is bloody amazing. He’s well cute for an old guy (LOL) and is a great actor! During the gameshow, Anil Kapoor suspects that Jamal might be cheating and gets him arrested after he answers the 1 million rupee question.
The film shows Jamal telling his story to the police officer, and relates each question from the gameshow to his life proving that he knew all the correct answers and wasn’t cheating. It really felt like a Bollywood film but in English, and no songs. Well actually, it was a mixture of Hindi and English, but still.. Does that even make sense? You have to watch it to understand!
Everything works out in the end, when Latika and Jamal are reunited again, for good this time! A lovely happy ending which definitely brought a smile to the audience’s face :)
All in all, I’d say it was one of the best films I’ve seen in a very long time and Dev Patel's role as Jamal was played brilliantly. The story line was impressive, even though to people who may not be familiar with Bollywood films might find it was a little fast? Everything was so REAL about the film and definitely received tons of positive feedback! Grrrreat work!
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Thursday, 15 January 2009
AHAHAHAhaha oh shit :S
This man once made me laugh.. Now he's just scary... He reminds me of Ursula from the Little Mermaid for some odd reason. Or that evil cat in Alice in Wonderland that looks a bit like Bagpuss.
Totally gonna flex the hand movements soon though.
ARGHHH! Nightmares.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009

This fight has been going on for such a long time, but only now because it is being hyped up in the media that everyone is becoming more aware of it. Demonstrations, protests, rallys etc have been going on all over the UK. What are people's thoughts about this?
Saturday, 3 January 2009
NYE - Aquarium { and no, not the fishes}
03.01.09.. but still, HAPPY NEW YEAAAAAR! and ohmy it has been so long. Ohhwow.
Thinking back at 2008, it feels like it passed by so fast! I still remember funtimes in January but maybe my memory is just extra good? Hmm..
I'm always spending new years with my family, it's like we HAVE to spend it together every year! The same old thing, getting together, food and drinks, midnight.. "happy new year.." and that's it. WOOP. but this time round it was more important for me to spend it with my girrrlies :) cos i lurrrrvee them <3
The first thing to think about was where to go. Spending nye in London is just simply SO EXPENSIVE. I remember paying £20 for two cans of coke at some place in Edgeware rd once. RIPPP OFFFFF. So we all started thinking about going to brighton alongside MILLIONS of other random people for some bonfire thing. but FORGET THAT, after the freezing cold weather, i'd do anything to stay inside! So yeaaaah, Aquarium it was.
Aquarium was ACE stuff. the main attraction of the place was the whole pool in the club thing. like the whole place looked all watery.. if that makes sense? we got there quite late tbh.. well, we just about made it before midnight LOL. running late is what we're about, ALWAYS. the whole public transport running thing for 24hrs was BRILLIANT, it should be like that always.
Inside was good, but PACKOUT to the extreme. it was difficult to move at one point but it's great to dance and push people out the way at the same time haha. it felt like everyone we knew was there.. full of the usual uni crowds so it was nice to see familiar faces.. overall, it was grrrreat :D even catching the tube at 430am! ;) on heels all night is a definite NO NO.
Still recovering from that night as i was stupidly shivering the whole time. now im inside with a feverrrr, but totally worth it :)
Good luck for the new year everyone!
I hope we all have an ace year ahead of us.. :)
Good night.. x
Thinking back at 2008, it feels like it passed by so fast! I still remember funtimes in January but maybe my memory is just extra good? Hmm..
I'm always spending new years with my family, it's like we HAVE to spend it together every year! The same old thing, getting together, food and drinks, midnight.. "happy new year.." and that's it. WOOP. but this time round it was more important for me to spend it with my girrrlies :) cos i lurrrrvee them <3
The first thing to think about was where to go. Spending nye in London is just simply SO EXPENSIVE. I remember paying £20 for two cans of coke at some place in Edgeware rd once. RIPPP OFFFFF. So we all started thinking about going to brighton alongside MILLIONS of other random people for some bonfire thing. but FORGET THAT, after the freezing cold weather, i'd do anything to stay inside! So yeaaaah, Aquarium it was.
Aquarium was ACE stuff. the main attraction of the place was the whole pool in the club thing. like the whole place looked all watery.. if that makes sense? we got there quite late tbh.. well, we just about made it before midnight LOL. running late is what we're about, ALWAYS. the whole public transport running thing for 24hrs was BRILLIANT, it should be like that always.
Inside was good, but PACKOUT to the extreme. it was difficult to move at one point but it's great to dance and push people out the way at the same time haha. it felt like everyone we knew was there.. full of the usual uni crowds so it was nice to see familiar faces.. overall, it was grrrreat :D even catching the tube at 430am! ;) on heels all night is a definite NO NO.
Still recovering from that night as i was stupidly shivering the whole time. now im inside with a feverrrr, but totally worth it :)
Good luck for the new year everyone!
I hope we all have an ace year ahead of us.. :)
Good night.. x
Friday, 2 January 2009

New Years Eve at the Rainbow was SILLYY! I had a merry old time, pics on facebook for those who know me..
Barry was super duper, there was this 7 foot man who made Saj look like a shorty *chuckles*, now he knows how i feel..
Below was awesome.. my favourite room of the night, i threw a few shapes with the girls *relives dance moves*...
Hott Date was fun, almost like a good wedding party with the best of the classics.. if that makes sense, stayed there the most as everytime i was about to leave, another tune was intro'd.
I know we went to all rooms, but I don't remember too much about them.. Thats where the alcohol stepped in.
Loadsa people full on smiley on pills..
And it was so darn icy cold maaan, my toes have only just thawed out.
Hin' how was your new year my sweet??
Throw a couple of pics up..
Oh and I have a few New Year Goals for myself.. Detox, Uni, Portfolio, etc etc.. I do hope 2009 is a positive year for us all.. '08 was difficult at times..
For those of you who knew P.V., his 1 year anniversary is coming up. I've not forgotten at all.. He know's hes still missed by a heck of a lot of people.. But I'm sure he's happier where he is now..
Take care sweeties, Love to all
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