Events, which soon will be blogged, were the only things hindering my attendance to the first screening of Saw V on the release date. So I end up watching it some 4 days later, meh.
We make small talk about gore and blood and how she almost puked when she saw it, I mention how she'd have to look out for me running back and forth to the mens' toilets throughout the film. This makes her laugh but lets not be fooled, it was a joke. Really.
The film itself was, as expected, blood-smothered. I mean, to describe it you have to make words up. What is with people whispering the plot or what happens next? Really, stop doing that shit guys.
Obviously i'm not one to ruin someone's fun, so I won't get into detail. However, if you're going to see it, then by all means see it. BUT, and this is the j-lo, there's really no point in seeing it if you just want a pre-halloween fright night, and haven't seen the previous installments. Watch the first 4 parts, no matter how long it takes you, and then go see 5.
Personally, I was speechless for a while in contemplation of what is yet to come. I wonder what she finds in the box..?
Post your thoughts if you've seen it, hate it or love it?
i havent seen it.. but after the last line i think i better watch it. but ARGH i know im gonna be shit scared. is it one of them ones which fucks you up like a few days after the film when you keep thinking about it and understand bits after?
I was FORCEd to watch SAW3 and i wasnt impressed. What kind of maniac thinks up such a sick and twisted storyline? Everyones values their lives, they dont need to be tortured to see that. I probably wont go and watch it...unless seher forces me haha.
Zohra xxx
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