Sunday, 9 November 2008

Gee Whiz Norma

I just cannae ('can't' in Scottish dontcha know!) seem to keep up with my fellow 25th bloggers ya kna ('you know' in Londonish - broad Londonish). Sorry abouurrriitt ('about it' in Nigerian Pidgin English).

Yes people I'm ya like them apples!!

Anyways. When I scrape together enough pennies, I wanna head east-wards to Tokyo. Like pronto, because the Japanese are blumming geniuses. Not just because of technology and all that malarky, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Yamaha, Yzuku (I mighta just made the last one up...but sounds legit ennit!!) - whatever mayne! They're genuises - or "geni" (someone told me that was the plural form of genius) - because they have the best blarsted gameshows in the world.

The games are just amazing, nothing short of an artform. So despite the wierd obsession that business men have with young girls underwear or suttin such, and despite the Sailor Moon schoolgirl outfits (do they still have them?), Japan is the bombdiggidy. Their array of jumpsuits is quite impressive as well, conformity at it's most lovely jubbly.

So here are some videos for ya, never fails to brighten my day, or night, when I should be in bed but can't get to sleep because I haven't spoken to that certain somebody...cheez. God forgive me.

LOL. You see the problem here? And kudos on the stripy pyjamas...

I wish I knew what they were saying...

How's that for endurance. He's in a suit as well. He's like Agent Smith from the Matrix. Are they falling in flour at the end??
But where else would you see Agent Smith, a geisha and your Japanese grandad doing hurdles on a treadmill - JAPAN! That's flaming where!

No words are necessary to describe the emotion.

If you haven't seen this you've been hiding under a rock. With Patrick.

That's all for our cultural lesson for the day. Konichiwa!

1 comment:

ShowGirl. said...

jen baby, let me know when you got those pennies, we can go together naaaar'mean??