Wednesday, 13 May 2009

tcahw sith esacp.

if you didn't work it out already, thats an anagram. only a certain percentage of people can figure it out quick enough to realise it says, 'watch this space'.

because i'm blogging again.

bigger. better. badder. blogger


Tashy said...

i'm sure that it's meant to be: a percentage of people are able to figure out words when the vowels have been omitted, as opposed to words in anagram form..

i like the avatar :)

* said...

Tasha! What a nice suprise.. :)

Tashy said...

Bonjour Seher! I really like the blog, you've done a marvellous job :)

You didn't cut your hair in the end? It would have suited you!

* said...

aww thanks tash! :) i saw farah the other day too! and noo i didnt cut my hair, im too scared lol.. i will do one day though :) glad you like the blog, you should write for us sometime! x

Saj said...

1: which avatar?
2: i'm sure a percentage of people can figure it out. but i wasn't stating like a scientific fact about anagrams, i just mentioned that what i did.