Thursday 30 October 2008

Ladies and Gentleman, there's a new member in the family..

Let me introduce you all to.. Khya, The Bitch.
Me and a friend brought her just recently, and she's a good look. You wouldn't believe how a dog can bring the common ground between a white and asian person. Its unbelievable.

Today we trekk'd down to Acocks Green or AG sides, and its a predominant white community around there. The amount of attention the bitch got was impeccable! But isn't she just the cutest?
So we decided to have an early morning drink, and no not of the alcoholic sort. We're not that bad.

Costa, isn't really my preferred choice but it'll make do. I opted for the usual, cappo.

Look how she hides when she sleeps? The little..

But she's still awake! Look!

If anyone's planning on getting a dog, prepare yourself for cleaning some of the grimiest shite i've ever seen.

And thats me!


* said...

costa's hot choc is the best :D
she a cute daaaawg. x

ShowGirl. said...

hahaaa, the affection men usually keep secret came out in this blog for you saj..

* said...

haha "isn't she just the cutest"

Anonymous said...

im d anon.

name is soon to come.

* said...

i read this article in the paper about looking after your dog. im gonna do a post on it just for you.